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Conspiracy Theory Apocalypse 2012, Including

Sunday, February 7, 2010

On Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, it was purported that the government is preparing for Apocalypse 2012 by building lots and lots of bunkers for the powerful, the rich, and other elite people. The rest of us peons will be left to fend for ourselves allegedly. The former pro wrestler was featured on 9NEWS in Denver to discuss alleged conspiracies centering around Denver International Airport. Strange murals painted on the walls at the Denver International Airport seem to tell a story of what is to come… Whether Apocalypse 2012 as highlighted on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura actually does come about, there is one thing that is apparent in early 2010. There's people telling the masses that the world is going to end in 2012 who are drawing attention to themselves and trying to make a fast buck off of Doomsday. Those people who are making names for themselves and selling books and DVDs and movie scripts about the world ending in 2012 are going to be saying the same dang thing about a "miscalculation" if Apocalypse 2012 comes and goes without any real major Doomsday incident nor Denver International Airport being used for other than flights.


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