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Marijuana Legalization Billboard Greets 1-5 drivers in Washington

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The group Sensible Washington, which is working to legalize marijuana for adults in Washington state, became a lot more visible on Saturday.

Specifically, the group's huge pro-legalization billboard went up in Fife, Washington, on Interstate 5 North and South, entering and leaving Seattle. The group said the billboard would remain up through the November 2011 election.

"Because drug dealers don't ID. Legalize In 2011" the bright yellow billboard reads.

According to Gotcha Covered Media, 288,000 vehicles a day will pass under the billboard on I-5, and it will also be visible from Highway 99, which isn't included in that vehicle count.

That's a lot of cars, with a lot of potential impressions on voters -- more than 2 million vehicles a week, or 8,640,000 a month.

"Thanks to generous donations from two Sensible Washington volunteers and support and cooperation of the billboard company, Gotcha Covered Media (thank you!), we now have North- and South-facing billboards at this location through the November 2011 election," Sensible Washington said on its website.

Jury Pool in Marijuana Case Stages Mutiny

Monday, December 20, 2010

In what could grow into something much bigger in future cases, potential jurors in Missoula County District Court staged a revolt Thursday, taking the law into their own hands and making it clear they would not convict anybody for having less than 2 grams of marijuana.

The tiny amount of marijuana police found in Touray Cornell's Missoula, Montana home on April 23 became a big point of contention for some members of the jury panel, reports Gwen Florio of The Missoulian. One juror after another said there was no way they would convict somebody for having 1/16 of an ounce of pot.

One juror wondered aloud why the county was wasting time and money prosecuting the case at all, according to a "flummoxed" Deputy Missoula County Attorney Andrew Paul, who called it "a mutiny," Florio reports.

2009 ·The Events 24/7 by TNB