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Rainbows in the Sky Making you Sick?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If you’ve been paying attention to chemtrails, you may have observed rainbow smearing (diffraction) of light reflected off them. Dark sunglasses can bring the subtle rainbows into the dynamic range of the human eye. Chembows are often visible when the sunlight reflects at approximately 45• angle to the chemtrail.

In the past, high altitude jet contrails dissipated quickly, and didn't form persistent horizon-to-horizon trails that later spread out into a blanket of silvery haze. How many days have you watched clear skies turned solid gray by chemtrails? Global dimming has been proven and is highly associated with chemtrails.

By whatever means the chemicals are being dispersed, whether as a fuel additive or spraying, and for whatever purpose(s), it's safe to say at this point that a semi-secret aerosol dispersal program exists, and a number of different chemicals are being released into the air using jet aircraft (including barium, aluminum, polymer fibers, and microorganisms). High altitude ice crystal formation increases around these nucleation sites, often resulting in stunning rainbows (chembows and sun dogs) of diffracted/refracted light, and pink and green dichroism.

The program is global in scope and is causing untold harm to our environment. It's time to recognize the mangnitude of this threat, and conduct some real diligent science and intelligence gathering that identifies conclusively the source and composition and impact of the release of this aerosol.


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