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Arizona's Medical Marijuana

Prop 203 Arizona's Medical Marijuana Law

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Voters in Arizona strongly support allowing for medical marijuana in the state. According to a Rocky Mountain poll, 54 percent of likely voters in Arizona plan to vote yes on Proposition 203, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. Only 32 percent of voters claim they plan to oppose the measure.
The committed yes vote is slightly over 50 percent and is 22 points higher than the no vote. Overall, this is a fairly strong position for a ballot measure roughly three weeks before the election, and indicate the proposition is likely to pass.

Not surprisingly, the poll shows a large age divide on the issue. While voters under 35 overwhelmingly support Prop 203 by a margin of 61 to 21 percent, voters over 55 slightly oppose it 41 to 43. As long as younger voters turn out in reasonable numbers, the proposition should be on track to passage.

If the voters of Arizona approve of Prop 203, it will become the 15th state to legalize medical marijuana.


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