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HAARP consists of phased array

Saturday, February 6, 2010

HAARP consists of phased array. Only partially finished the entire array will consist of 180 antennas and will be more power full than all other antenna array for ionosphere heating ever built. Ionosphere heaters simply use radio waves to heat a portion of the ionosphere which surrounds the earth, many already exist, but this is the largest ever.
The purpose of HAARP is to analyze the behavior of the ionosphere which is the part of the atmosphere that extends from approximately 70km up to as much as 1500km. This is done by transmitting a focused beam of radio frequency energy, at between 2.8 and 10MHz, directly at a point in the ionosphere between 100 and 350 km in altitude, basically within the "E" layer.
Haarp is 72,000 times more powerful than the U.S.'s most powerful radio station. HAARP can focus all its radio waves into a single beam in the sky, which effectively exceeds its 3.6 Million watt power status. With this enormous power, the possibilities for use of HAARP are endless. Of course activists, conspiricists, and environmentalists all have different ideas for applications of this weapon / utility, both good and bad.


Anonymous said...

Wow this is scary stuff , I read some more in a blog about this that was very informative..
Check it out you may like it..

February 12, 2010 at 5:10 AM

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