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Chem Trails The Chemical No One Wants to Talk About

Sunday, February 7, 2010

You've seen them..The trails in the skys over most major cities..Chem Trails as they are called. And just what are chem trails? The answer might just scare you to death....
Barium is just as dangerous as arsenic, mercury and lead and it shows up regularly in public water supplies. Barium is a major component of chemtrails. When it falls to earth it also contaminates our water supplies.

Exposure to small amounts of barium, dissolved in water, may cause a person to experience these problems:
1. Breathing difficulties
2. Increased blood pressure
3. Heart rhythm changes
4. Stomach irritation
5. Muscle weakness
6. Alterations in nerve reflexes
7. Damage to your brain, liver, kidney and heart


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