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The Micropreemie Josie Duggar Update

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The latest update on little baby Josie Duggar at the end of January states that she is gaining weight and doing better.The micropreemie Josie Duggar was rushed from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Ark., the hospital where she was born, to Arkansas Children's Hospital, her parents at her side.
Josie Duggar developed a spontaneous bowel perforation," explains her physician, Dr. Robert Arrington, co-director of the neonatal intensive care unit. "She responded to placement of an abdominal drain, plus antibiotics, and did not require an open operation." It was wonderful news for her frightened parents that their tiniest baby would not require surgery. "Dr. Arrington knows how to think outside the box and come up with different creative solutions," says a grateful Jim Bob, 44. "Josie is walking a daily tightrope to keep her vitals stable and the nurses and the whole team here has been wonderful."
Our prayers are with the family and Josie.


Anonymous said...

Great post , hope the little baby is ok..

February 12, 2010 at 5:09 AM

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