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Human Health and Antibiotic Resistance

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We would all like to think that the milk we drink comes from cows raised in beautiful green pastures but the truth is the milk we drink is coming from facilities where cows are being fed antibiotics along with other chemicals. Human health is being compromised by taking antibiotics with out our knowledge. This will lead to antibiotic resistance over time so when we become sick and should be taking antibiotics they will no longer work. Human health is at stake here and building an antibiotic resistance is a growing reality. It’s not like we are taking antibiotics because we choose, it’s in just about everything these days.
Antibiotic resistance is a serious issue that has gotten a lot of press in recent years. Basically, bacteria are mutating and outsmarting the antibiotics, making them ineffective. (The same phenomenon is occurring on farms where bugs are mutating to withstand pesticide applications.) We criticize medical doctors for over-prescribing antibiotics, but that is only part of the problem. Not only are antibiotics overused in this country, but they are also over-consumed. People are unknowingly consuming more antibiotics than they are actually taking by choice. Due to the heavy doses of antibiotics used on factory farmed animals, your steaks, hamburgers, chicken, and hotdogs are all laced with antibiotics. Milk alone contains traces of up to 80 different antibiotics.
My thought is go organic.  What is your thought...


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