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Did Haarp Cause Haiti Earthquake

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So did Haarp cause the Haiti earthquake? Much speculation is pointing in the direction that Haarp (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is responsible for the devastating earthquake that happened in Haiti according to Hugo Chavez. One would think that this can not be possible that our own government could be involved in such a major disaster of this magnitude. And now Hugo Chavez Venezuelan strongman's state mouthpiece ViVe TV shot out a press release saying the 7.0 magnitude Haiti quake was caused by a U.S. test of an experimental shockwave system that can also create "weather anomalies to cause floods, droughts and hurricanes." This leaves thousands wondering did harp cause the Haiti earthquake. So is Hugo Chavez right?
The ultimate goal of the test attack in Haiti, the report reads, is the United States' "planned destruction of Iran through a series of earthquakes designed to topple the current Islamic regime."

Is our Country responsible for this disaster? Please let us know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I bet that some thing is going on..

February 17, 2010 at 1:06 AM

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