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Energy Drinks and Your Health

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Have you ever asked yourself what is in those pretty little cans? You‘ve seem them in just about every store you go into these days. They can be found everywhere from health food stores to your supermarket. The claims associated with these energy drinks range from the sublime to the preposterous yet millions of you are buying these high powered drinks on a regular basis without giving even a single thought to how good or bad these energy drinks really are for your health. The truth is not all energy drinks are the same while many of the ingredients are common among them each drink has its own little twist to it. For the average consumer reading the labels of these drinks isn’t going to help if you don’t know what to look for.
While most of the common ingredients in energy drinks is caffeine, this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as problems go. Yes caffeine in large quantities is dangerous as it will raise your blood pressure not to mention other problems associated with the use of caffeine.

Other ingredients such as guarana, is very popular in these drinks and is a central nervous system stimulant. If you consume these drinks and then mix them with drinks containing ephedrine or diet pills they can become very dangerous. Another popular ingredient is taurine, which is actually something that we naturally get from foods that contain vitamin B6. We normally get more than enough taurine in our diet and the extra amount from these energy drinks can become toxic in our systems. But even worse than that what we know about the ingredients in these drinks that can be harmful, especially if mixed with other items is what we don’t know. The FDA has all but admitted that many of the ingredients in most popular energy drinks have not been fully tested as to their degree of safeness. This is not to say that these ingredients are good or bad just simply do not know enough about them.

Drink in Moderation...


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