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Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan's Beloved Pit Bull

Monday, February 22, 2010

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Daddy, Cesar Millan's inseparable partner and beloved pet died peacefully surrounded by family at the age of 16. In honor of Daddy's legacy, an Emergency Animal Rescue Fund has been established by the Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation.
Daddy, often referred to as America's pit bull ambassador because of his gentle disposition and intelligence, lived with the Millans from the age of four months. He stood as a champion for calm-submissive pit bulls everywhere, and was instrumental in helping to repair their image as violent and uncontrollable.

As fans of Millan's hit National Geographic Channel television series Dog Whisperer know, Daddy was a key fixture in more than 50 episodes, often assisting Millan with his toughest cases, bravely interacting with and calming the most unmanageable dogs with his natural balanced energy. Daddy helped shape the behavior of entire generations of dogs by showing them the way to balance.

Cesar states: "I've always seen Daddy as my teacher of life. He brought my family and me so much joy over the years. Personally, he represented what my grandfather taught me, never work against Mother Nature. He will be greatly missed, but his spirit lives on."

Daddy's Emergency Animal Rescue Fund will provide funding and assistance for dogs who are victims in large-scale disasters (hurricanes, fires, and other natural catastrophes), man-made disasters (hoarder and puppy mill rescues), and one animal victims of abuse or violence.

An initial contribution by the Millans and the Dog Whisperer team has established the fund in Daddy's honor.

If you would like to honor Daddy's memory and the contributions he made to improving the lives of animals, you can make a donation by visiting

In Daddy's memory, National Geographic Channel has a photo gallery posted at

SOURCE Cesar Millan


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