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Arizona's Medical Marijuana

Tangerine Kush

Friday, December 10, 2010

Strain Name: Tangerine Kush

Grade: A+

Type: Indica

Looks: Rich green dense buds with a bit of leaf and bright dark orange / red hairs. (9/10)

Smell: It smells like kush and unburnt diesel fuel. When it’s ground up it gets a really strong smell of kush, unburnt diesel fuel and skunk. The smell when its ground up reminds me of a spare rib, it has this twang to it. Some of the strongest smelling medicine EVER. A small bud will reak up the WHOLE house when the jar is cracked. This is the stuff you smell before you even see it. If you’re trying to be discrete with the smell, look for another strain. (10/10)

Taste: Super heavy kush taste. With hints of a fresh pine tree forest. The kush taste is so overpowering, that I have to change the volcano bag afterwards or every other bag until it is changed tastes like kush regardless of the strain. (9/10)

Effects: Night time use only. Strong indica effects. Provided a calming, anti-anxiety happy feeling. Noticed although I was in floating haze I was still fully functional and had lots of energy to get stuff done. Too much in one sitting is instant nap time. Works great for high tolerances. Made me really hungry too! (9/10)

Potency: Very Strong (9/10)


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