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Chile the aftermath from the quake

Monday, March 1, 2010

Has Haarp struck again? Or is this really Mother Nature at work. The earthquake that devastated Chile has yet another problem emerging, looting. The Chilean police have now arrested dozens of people for violating curfews after looters took almost everything from markets in this city hardest hit by the earthquake. The president of Chile has promised food, water and shelter for thousands living on the streets.
Some coastal towns just to the north of Concepcion were almost obliterated, first shaken by the quake, then slammed by a tsunami that lifted whole houses and carried them inland and that reduced others to piles of sticks.
In Concepcion itself, firefighters were seeking survivors in a toppled apartment building, a day after they had to pause because of tear gas fired at looters who wheeled away everything from microwave ovens to canned milk at a damaged supermarket across the street.
Ingenious looters used long tubes of bamboo and plastic to siphon gasoline from underground tanks at a closed gasoline station.
So are you prepared if something like this happens to you? I think most of us are not.


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