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John McCain in the News

Monday, March 8, 2010

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's recent endorsement of Arizona Sen. John McCain's re-election was widely viewed as another sign of how far the relationship between the two fierce rivals from the 2008 Republican presidential primaries has evolved.

More cynical observers noted that Romney, a leading GOP 2012 White House prospect, likely wants to remain on the good side of McCain, his party's 2008 nominee.

But to some in the camp of Senate challenger J.D. Hayworth, Romney's embrace of McCain came as a personal blow.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, perhaps Hayworth's highest-profile ally in the state, previously was Romney's honorary Arizona campaign chairman, going so far as to stump for Romney and against McCain in the key early presidential-race states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Arpaio said Romney's decision to back McCain won't diminish his respect for him.

"If he runs again, I'm sure he would like to have McCain support him," Arpaio said. "Is that how politics operates? One day you're on one side, and the next day you're on the other side?"

Jason Rose, Hayworth's campaign spokesman and political consultant, was Romney's state director during the 2008 race.

"Governor Romney is a good man who would make a great president," Rose said in an e-mail when asked about Romney's choice of McCain over Hayworth.

Meanwhile, a Facebook group called "Mitt Romney Supporters for J.D. Hayworth" as of late Friday had 137 members, including Hayworth himself.

In other developments:

• Local "tea party" activists apparently aren't totally sold on Hayworth as a conservative alternative to the more moderate McCain. Organizers of four tea-party groups in Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff and Mohave County issued a joint statement Monday saying they are declining to endorse in the GOP Senate primary.

"The Tea Party is a non-partisan, grass-roots movement that stands for limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility," Tucson Tea Party co-founder Robert Mayer said in a written statement. "Both McCain and Hayworth's records during their many years in Washington leave much to be desired on these issues."

But Hayworth still can point to local tea-party support - many in attendance at his Feb. 15 campaign kickoff identified themselves with the movement - and he recently did secure the endorsement of the national group TaxDay

• Rep. Charles Rangel's ethics troubles have prompted three House Democrats from Arizona to jettison campaign cash linked to the embattled New York Democrat.

Rep. Harry Mitchell returned $28,000 and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords donated $21,000 to veterans groups, aides confirmed. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick relinquished $14,000, the Associated Press reported.

Rangel, under fire for multiple ethics issues, on Wednesday said he was stepping aside as chairman of the prestigious House Ways and Means Committee.


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